0 SteveMule: Scott Emge for Register of Deeds

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Scott Emge for Register of Deeds

Scott speaks for himself better than I can so I'll let him do the talking!Hello, I'm Scott Emge and I'm running for Knox County Register of Deeds. The primary is over and I'm excited as we head into the general election. I originally entered this race because I, as an average Knox County citizen, was fed up with seeing the same old career politicians in office year after year. It has angered me for years that our career county officials seem to think they are part of a monarchy rather than a democracy. They apparently think they can enforce laws they approve of, but ignore laws that they dislike. Regarding the Term limits vote in 1994... we voted for it, it became law, they ignored it. When they want to impose a tax on Knox County, like the wheel tax, the professional politicians support our county charter. When a law is initiated by the voters that limits the terms of their royal highnesses, they flail and squirm and try to invalidate the charter or use litigation to try to say term limits apply to some but not all. We need to show our elected officials that when we voted in 1994 to limit the terms of all elected county officials, we meant all of them! I'm not a politician. I am an average working citizen of our county who is sick and tired of the downhill spiral our country has been on since the Bush administration has been in power. I am also fed up with our county officials flagrantly ignoring the will of the voters as expressed through the 1994 term limits referendum that we voted for by more than a 3 to 1 margin! My opponent in August is Steve Hall, a career republican politician who has held the register of deeds office for 26 years. Steve Hall is one of the career politicians who our term limits vote in 1994 was meant to apply to! I need your help to beat this professional politician. Help me show Steve Hall that when we say we want our elected officials limited to 2 terms, we mean it! Please vote for me on August 3rd.

I'll have more to say about the Term Limit situation in a later post but in the meantime I fully support what Scott has said about Term Limits and I fully support his race for Register of Deeds and I can not encourge you enough to do the same. This is a county wide office so everyone gets to vote for him! Scott has a new batch of yard signs arriving soon and will be kicking his door to door campaign into high gear and making appearances senior centers around the county. Additionally Scott will also be at the Kuumba Festival (June 8th thru 11th). Finally, Scott will be at the June 8th meeting of the Knoxville Democrat MeetUp (7PM, The Urban Bar and Grill in the Old City).
You can contact Scott at 865-207-8941 and scottemgeforregister@gmail.com Anyone interested in contributing to his campaign can make checks payable to ":Scott Emge for Register of Deedds" and mail them to 1402 Hillshire Lane, Knoxville, TN 37922.


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