0 SteveMule: Wolves in Sheep's clothing: Fleecing the Faithful

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Wolves in Sheep's clothing: Fleecing the Faithful

Hello All!
This issue (and other religiously related issues) more than anything else really get my gander up. I really can not say how disappointed I am in the Evangelical Christian Church. This is exactly why Christ said "render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's and unto God what is God's. It's why the Bible warns against "mammon" and greed and what-not. It really is NOT rocket science. God's Truth is God's Truth, period. However, politcal truth often, usually, most of the time, changes - "I am not a crook", "I never had sex with that woman", "Iraq has WMD", "I want the leakers caught" and so on. When God and politics are so closely inter-twinned and politics fails, it makes it look as if God fails too. Many of my non-God type liberal friends are all a twitter over this. If the Church and its preachers can not or won't see the truth of this, how in God's name will they be able to crediably preach the truth of Christ? They can't and won't as the article points out. I challenge you to read it.

The Devil Inside
The Nation
[from the April 17, 2006 issue]
Atlanta: Ralph Reed is going to own this room. Granted, it's only a standard-issue campus auditorium at Emory University, half filled at best for the annual Georgia College Republicans convention. But to the former boy wonder of evangelical politics, it looks like heavenly shelter on this drizzly February morning. The Christian Coalition co-founder's first campaign for public office--lieutenant governor of Georgia, a position Reed and his fans envision as a stepping stone to bigger things--has turned into a waking nightmare. Every week brings a new revelation about the millions in dirty money Reed earned by duping his fellow evangelicals into putting their political muscle behind "Casino Jack" Abramoff's gambling clients. Reed's huge leads in both popularity polls and fundraising have almost disappeared. Instead of making his triumphant debut as a politician, the man Time magazine called "The Right Hand of God" is fast becoming the new poster boy for Christian-right corruption.
the article continues here]


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