0 SteveMule: Wednesday 12-10-08

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday 12-10-08

Here's today's Crack of Dawn photo. Today's dawn was rather boring. The sky was completely cloudless so nothing stunning. Other than being very sunny and whole lot less windy today than yesterday, there's really not much to talk about weather wise. It's still very cold and today's high is only expected to be a whopping 39! Folks venturing outside will need to bundle up in order to protect themselves from the scorching heat.

Here's an example of some of the wildlife I have to deal with on a nightly basis. These guys come in every week night, stretch their legs, buy a candy bar or pop or whatever and tell me about whatever crazy nonsense is on their minds. I enjoy their visits for two major reasons:
1.) They're funny - I have no idea what they're going to say and so I look forward to hearing it and;
2.) They almost always arrive at about the same time every night so I use their visit as a type of 'clock' - I've learned that if I have certain tasks accomplished by the time they arrive then I have a pretty good idea of whether or not I'm on schedule.
As you can tell by their uniforms they drive for UPS. One of them goes to Garden City and the other to Dodge City.
Here's the current price of gas at Love's as of this morning. It's been a long time since I've seen it this low. I've been taking pictures of the Love's gas marque since early June and have recorded the summer's highs and the drop since then. I ought to write a post just about that and post those pictures. Hmm ... something for next weekend, maybe ... we'll see how it goes.

One final thing. As you can see I manged to get my camera's date/time thingy set correctly. I'm not sure I like the date stamp on the photo though. I might go back and take that off. I'll think about it and get back to you on it.
Well, that's all I got for now ... So ...

Take Care, Be Good and Don't Play in the Street!


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