Friday, December 12, 2008
Hi Everyone!
Here's today's gas prices. A little lower than yesterday's. This weekend I'll post the gas marque pictures I have and you will be able to see the dramatic change from this summer until now.
Oh, let me add that when I say 'weekend' I'm referring to MY weekend, not the normal weekend that normal people have. The normal weekend for normal people is Saturday and Sunday. It starts typically around 5PM Friday and goes until, typically, 8AM Monday morning. For me the 'weekend' starts at 8AM Sunday morning when I get off work and goes until 12AM Wednesday morning (or midnight Tuesday, depending on how you want to look at it) when I go back to work. So it'll probably be sometime Monday when I get all that photo posting done.
Here's today's Crack of Dawn photo. I was just a few feet east of the Gas Marquee when I took this. If I hadn't been at work I probably would have been able to get better shots, but as it was this one was the best one in the small amount of time I had. Like the others, this was taken looking east along 10th Street at about 5 after 7, or so.
About 30 minutes later I ran out again and took this. I wish I could have caught it a little earlier, I think the color might have been richer but considering how busy we were and the fact that I'm paid to work and not take pictures I think I was rather lucky to catch it at all.
Well, that's it for today. Today is payday, which means I have to go and sign for my paycheck and then cash it (the store has a check-cashing facility inside it) and then take the $$ to the bank and deposit it. I could just take the check to bank, but that means waiting for the check to clear either on Monday or or Tuesday. If I go ahead and cash it and deposit cash, then it'll be there immediately. When I hired on last June I asked about direct deposit and got that Dude, are you from France? look, so I decided right then and there to just live with it and deal with it.
Take Care, Be Good and Don't Play in the Street!
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