A blog of my thoughts (deep and/or silly)and feelings (emotional and/or analytical) concerning whatever happens to be on my mind at whatever time I happen to feel like writing it down.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Trails to You -- NOT
Here we see an Iraqi sharing some love (and a pair of shoes) with our President.
I suppose there's a lesson here. However, I won't elaborate since there isn't a need. President Bush is simply very, very unpopular with everyone, both here and abroad. By "here" I mean the United States as a whole. In the land where the Deer and the Antelope play it's a little hard to gauge. I think a lot of the President's residual support resides here. Why this is so is beyond me but it does seem that way to me.
I was going to avoid politics and political discussion here on my blog. When I first started it back in Knoxville that was its purpose. However, I soon discovered that others could and did blog better and I had trouble keeping up with my blog. Eventually, I simply let it wither on the vine, so to speak.
After moving here I was given a Kodak EasyShare V530 Digital share camera by my sister. The size and capability of this camera was such that I started carrying it around with me and taking pictures of this that and the other thing. Now, it goes with me everywhere. Leaving it at home is like leaving my wallet or cellphone at home -- totally unthinkable. I'll have more to say about all this later.
Anyway ...
I was taking so many pictures I was at a loss as to what to do with them other than download them off the camera and store them on the computer. After a while I thought of starting a new blog and posting them there. Earlier this month I finally got off my butt and started getting this done. It was while doing this that I discovered that this blog still existed and that I was still able to log back on this blog ... and ... well, I thought it was just easier to go with this rather than start a whole new blog.
Since moving here I have been unable to get involved in local politics, mostly due to my work hours, and lack of disposable income. Because of this I was going to avoid politics and political discussion. There's also the fact that I know almost nothing about local and statewide politics. I'm learning about all this but I still need to learn more before I start talking about it.
However, when I saw this happen to President Bush I just had to saw something. This guy (the President) is so ... so ... full of BS that he's almost delusional. I'm not a political analyst, pundit or any kind of expert but ... really, are we better off as a nation because of this clown's presidency?
I was born in Seattle, WA. I grew up in Enumclaw, WA until 1973 when my family moved to Ellsworth KS. I joined the Army in August of 1975 serving as an Infantryman with the 101st Airborne Division. I reenlisted in 1979 and became an Atomic Demolition Munitions Technician and served in that capacity at Ft. Hood, TX and later in Germany. I spent my last year in the Army at Ft. Lewis WA. This was cool since I was able to visit my old home town and my grandmother who still (at the time)lived in Seattle. After leaving the Army I attended Kansas State University and in 1991 recieved my BSc. degree in Physics. After that I studied Geology and came to Knoxville, TN for graduate school in Geology. I liked Knoxville and decided to stay. I stayed until May 1, 2008 after my life in Knoxville fell apart. And so here I am back in the land where the Deer & the Antolope play.
Please bear in mind that this is my blog.
My thoughts are my own.
You wouldn't want them and besides, you'd have to be pretty small and sorry not to have your own...
Or Conservative.
In which case, feel free to borrow as needed.
In addition, I am under no obligation to respond to your comments or even to read them.
I probably will do both, though, until they become too numerous to deal with.
Something I anticipate happening real soon.
Hey Steve Call me: 302-222-4164 SFC Retired USA Richard Shipley
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