Friday, December 26, 2008
Hi Everybody!
I was going to write about something else and post some pictures, and I'll get around to that soon enough, but I was scouring the web I came across this and ... you know I just had to had to say something about.
As most of you are aware the situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating as we speak. The 'Official' government, the one we, the United States of America, put in place is about as effective as screen doors on submarines and about as popular as flat feet. It is corrupt and so bad that the Taliban has been able to make a serious and popularly supported come-back.
However ...
Let's hear it for the Red, White and Blue!!
The CIA has discovered and been using for awhile, a secret and effective weapon/tool for gaining popular support. This weapon/tool is VIAGRA!! No kidding! It seems they've been giving it to the older clan leaders and so on and ... well you can read all about it here in a recent article I found in the Washington Post.
Wow, who would'a thought that all you needed to win against some dicks like the Taliban was a hard dick? It's good to see the CIA getting things to rise to the occasion. I say it's great they can beat their enemies, the Taliban, with this instead of beating, oh ... whatever.
Take Care, Be Good and Don't Play in the Street!
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