Monday, December 22, 2008
Recently I posted about the Iraqi Reporter that threw his shoes at President Bush. Well ...
It turns out the shoes were made in Turkey and the shoe maker is cashing in on the notoriety that his product has gained. "We have been producing that specific style, which I personally designed, for 10 years, so I couldn't have missed it, no way," said Ramazan Baydan in Istanbul. "As a shoemaker, you understand." Of course, I understand, I mean, who wouldn't? Right?
Here's the entire article as published by the International Herald Tribune. It goes into some detail concerning the shoes, including the interesting fact that the actual thrown shoes were destroyed. Yes, destroyed, not, mind you, to prevent them from being bronzed and placed in the Al-Queda Museum Hall of Fame, the Bush Legacy Traveling shoe-a-thon, or DNC HQ or anywhere else. No, "Explosives tests by investigators destroyed the offending footwear." Well, that'll teach 'em! And, it will serve as an example to all future footwear that ever gets it in their soles to offend!! What a bunch of heels ... serves them right, huh?
Why do I get the feeling that we represented by, lead by, and protected by amateur level idiots?
"Explosives tests by investigators destroyed the offending footwear." What did they think they would find?? Plastic explosives masquerading as toe jam?? Maybe they were worried that the fuses weren't laced correctly?? What morons. But it's the PRESIDENT! You can't be too careful! Yes, that is so true, with this one you really can't be too careful. There's no telling what he'll screw up next.
Finally, it should be noted that business has picked up substantially for Mr. Baydan. "A new run of 15,000 pairs, destined for Iraq, went into production Thursday, he said. A British distributor has asked to become the Baydan Shoe Co.'s European sales representative, with a first order of 95,000 pairs, and a U.S. company has placed an order for 18,000 pairs. Four distributors are competing to represent the company in Iraq, where Baydan sold 19,000 pairs of this model for about $40 each last year"
At least President Bush is helping some one's economy. Too bad the Turkey hasn't done as well with ours, huh?
I'll see if I can find an address where you can order your own pair of "Bush Shoes." If I find it I'll post it.
UPDATE here's the Ducati-Baydan Group webpage. There's a link for ordering on the left of the page. Please bear in mind that I don't know what the custom fees are or anything like that. I doubt they'll require "explosive testing" but you never know.
UPDATE It seems that Mr. Baydan has had to hire 100 new employeees to keep up with the demand.
Hmm ... if throwing shoes at President Bush increases shoe sales and results in new hiring ... suppose we threw eggs ... would that improve the poulty business, a significant part of American Agriculture ... what if we threw cow dung ... would that improve the Beef Industry ... explosive tests could be fun ... hmm ... just wondering ... I don't suppose we should throw things at the real President ... wouldn't be prudent ... BUT what if someone were to organize a throw something at a cardboard cutout figure ... and charged a fee ...
Take Care, Be Good and Don't Play in the Street!
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