The Holidays are over!!! Let the Men Dance and the Women Sing!!!
This is, believe it or not, a real, Gen-U-Wine, honest-to-God, homestead! I'm not sure when it was built but it was in the 1800's and settled under the Authority of the 1863 Homestead Act. When it was abandoned I have no idea. If you look close you can see a kitty cat in one of the windows. It was rather friendly, altho a passing car spooked it and it ran away. I'm afraid some one abandoned it there, which really upset me.
Here's another picture from a different angle. The kitty cat is the white blob in the window on the right. It came back but it wouldn't let me get close to it again.
Here's what driving down old Hwy40 looks like. It's real, uh, "Kansasy" looking which is why this is one of my favorite roads to travel. After leaving the "Little House on the Prairie" we traveled to Brookeville and there turned off of old Hwy40 and drove north to I-70 and from there zoomed to Manhattan and the family Christmas Celebrations.
Well, that's it for now, I'll have more later. I'm getting hungry and so I'm going to cook something and try to get some thing else on my to-do-list done, maybe one those things that have needed doing since I moved here. Maybe ...
Take Care, Be Good and Don't Play in the Street!