Monday, January 18, 2010
Today is/was MLK Jr. Day. I remember watching the March on DC as a little boy. I had to ask my Mom what the big deal was. She told me. I was shocked ... it was unthinkable to me ... America was supposed to be ... but I learned it wasn't. I listened to his speech and wondered ... why America wasn't like what it said it was and was supposed to be.
Others may marvel at how far we've come as a nation but I get pissed off that it has taken us this F'ing long to simply get this far and wonder at how long it'll take to finally get to where we're F'ing supposed to be.
We elected a Black President - Good. But does anyone think the Tea-bagger crap would have started if we'd elected a white one, conservative or liberal? What about all the "socialist, radical, secret Muslim" crap we heard in during the campaign? Would any of that have had any traction whatsoever if Pres. Obama had been white? Of course not. We live in a fucked up country. Get used to it.
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