Yesterday was Monday and one of my days off. I had a bunch of stuff to do that required me to drive around town to various places and while I was doing that I noticed a bunch of stuff that caught my eye.
Here's an ad I found on the side of a liquor store here in town. I can just hear the radio ad: "Get ya'lls guns and ammo and come on down here to get loaded!"
This next one is a fountain right at the intersection of 10th Street and K-96. During the summer it's a pretty sharp looking fountain. However, in the sub-Arctic temps we've had it sort'a kind'a froze up a bit ... but if you look close at the base of the ice mound you can see that it's still going strong! Why? Well, I have no idea.
I saw this at Dillon's. Crammer's advising anyone who'll listen how to recover from the recent economic downturn. If you listened to Crammer and heeded his advice going into the downtown you really need this book! Of course, if you ignored his previous advice you probably don't need the snake oil he's trying to sell now. Notice the discount ... get it while it's hot!
I saw this in the parking lot of Dillon's. "Who is John Galt?" Now, someone might ask that question. Someone who knew nothing of Ann Rand's magnum opus "
Atlas Shrugged."
John Galt is the fictional hero, protagonist, central character of that wretched book. He gets fed up with all the "liberals" who tax and regulate him to the point that he locks up his factories, stores and what have you and quits. This causes large economic turmoil and eventually the ... read the damned book to find out what happens. It was required reading at Enumclaw High School for Juniors or seniors. I attended that school until 1973. That year we moved to Kansas and I started my junior year of high school at Ellsworth.
Now most kids would have said "Boy, sure am glad I dodged that bullet!" Well, as many will give testimony to, I'm kind'a strange so ... I read it in Ellsworth Kansas just because I wanted to.
I almost didn't finish it. It really and truly sucked. The writing was stilted and ... it was just awful. The good guys sounded majestic and visionary, the bad guys sounded like greedy morons. It was so pretentious, so ... so ... hackneyed and phony and ... just the biggest pile of steamy dogshit I've ever read.
Mein Kampf was a better read! At least with that you knew where the author was coming from and could, consequently, discount him and the 'points' he tried to make. With "
Atlas Shrugged" you'd read and read and ... well, it took a awhile to figure out what Ann Rand was trying to say. The characters spew forth with long monologues of explanation and ... the last several pages are just the character John Galt going on and on about his motivation for doing what he did and his vision of the future and ... It really sucked. I haven't touched it since or anything else that Ann Rand has written. I have better, funner and more interesting ways to waste my time.
I found this little blurb on this truck's window interesting since there was, briefly, talk of "Going Galt" shortly after Pres. Obama took office. All the conservatives were going on and on about socialism, higher taxes, gun control and so on. My thoughts then and now are: Go ahead, go Galt, and get the fuck out of the way!
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