Friday, May 14, 2010
Yes, I've away from the blog for a awhile and I can tell that everyone has been 'distraught' over that but ...
Hey, I'm still here and I still tell myself that I need to post something -- I do that everyday, and today I decided to post something even it was only some idle ramblings.
I'm getting discouraged thinking about the upcoming mid-term elections this November. All the big pundits and political analysts on TV, the radio, the Internet, bloggers and so on all predict that the Republicans will do fantastic and perhaps even gain a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. Now, while that may turn out to be true I have to wonder: HOW, WHY, IN THE NAME OF GOD COULD AMERICANS BE THAT FUCKING STUPID????
After all the BS we, as a country, went through during the Bush years, WHY would we want those asshats back anywhere close to the levers of power????
All they have are sound bites, slogans (often misspelled) and idiotic talking points. They have no policies other than 'Tax Cuts', more deregulation (check the Gulf of Mexico to see how that works out in REAL LIFE), more war in the Middle East, and beating up on smelly brown people. It's as if their only method(s) is to jerk off the lowest common denominator of the American voting public.
I haven't trusted Republicans being in power since the early summer of 2003. Iraq was a danger; WMD's, mushroom clouds and so on. When US troops toppled the statue in downtown Baghdad and no WMD's had been found and there was no related material found (manuals, inventory reports, deployment orders and so on) and then the Dahlfer Report... well, I knew we had been lied to. If, IF, there had ever been anything we would have tripped over it. You simply can't make a mistake that big! The evidence would have been to sketchy, the intelligence to thin for any sane person to say "It's good enough for war." No, we went because someone in a position of power WANTED to. Everything else was just red, white & blue BS to wrap it all up in and get the American people behind it.
People that had no personal stake in the war (i.e.: no one was going to be shooting at them) made a lot of money. Now, seven years later (nine if you include Afghanistan) we're still there and they're still making money.
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