0 SteveMule: May 2006

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Time for a laugh

Hi Folks!
I have to take sometime out and get my house clean - or at least a part of it. So I'm going to post this joke and go offline for a few hours. Enjoy!

The U.S. Postal Service has created a stamp with a picture of President George W. Bush to honor his first term achievements. In daily use it has been shown that the stamp is not sticking to envelopes. This has enraged the President, who demanded a full investigation. After a month of testing, a special presidential commission has made the following findings: 1.) The stamp is in perfect order. 2.) There is nothing wrong with the applied adhesive. 3.) People are spitting on the wrong side.

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!


Scott Emge for Register of Deeds

Scott speaks for himself better than I can so I'll let him do the talking!Hello, I'm Scott Emge and I'm running for Knox County Register of Deeds. The primary is over and I'm excited as we head into the general election. I originally entered this race because I, as an average Knox County citizen, was fed up with seeing the same old career politicians in office year after year. It has angered me for years that our career county officials seem to think they are part of a monarchy rather than a democracy. They apparently think they can enforce laws they approve of, but ignore laws that they dislike. Regarding the Term limits vote in 1994... we voted for it, it became law, they ignored it. When they want to impose a tax on Knox County, like the wheel tax, the professional politicians support our county charter. When a law is initiated by the voters that limits the terms of their royal highnesses, they flail and squirm and try to invalidate the charter or use litigation to try to say term limits apply to some but not all. We need to show our elected officials that when we voted in 1994 to limit the terms of all elected county officials, we meant all of them! I'm not a politician. I am an average working citizen of our county who is sick and tired of the downhill spiral our country has been on since the Bush administration has been in power. I am also fed up with our county officials flagrantly ignoring the will of the voters as expressed through the 1994 term limits referendum that we voted for by more than a 3 to 1 margin! My opponent in August is Steve Hall, a career republican politician who has held the register of deeds office for 26 years. Steve Hall is one of the career politicians who our term limits vote in 1994 was meant to apply to! I need your help to beat this professional politician. Help me show Steve Hall that when we say we want our elected officials limited to 2 terms, we mean it! Please vote for me on August 3rd.

I'll have more to say about the Term Limit situation in a later post but in the meantime I fully support what Scott has said about Term Limits and I fully support his race for Register of Deeds and I can not encourge you enough to do the same. This is a county wide office so everyone gets to vote for him! Scott has a new batch of yard signs arriving soon and will be kicking his door to door campaign into high gear and making appearances senior centers around the county. Additionally Scott will also be at the Kuumba Festival (June 8th thru 11th). Finally, Scott will be at the June 8th meeting of the Knoxville Democrat MeetUp (7PM, The Urban Bar and Grill in the Old City).
You can contact Scott at 865-207-8941 and scottemgeforregister@gmail.com Anyone interested in contributing to his campaign can make checks payable to ":Scott Emge for Register of Deedds" and mail them to 1402 Hillshire Lane, Knoxville, TN 37922.

Steve McGill

I want to take the time to give a big shoutout to Steve McGill! Steve is campaigning for Seat A, District 9, Knox County Commission. Steve is a life-long resident of South Knox County. He has fourteen years of experience with the State Department of Education so he's no slouch when it comes to getting things done. I've met him several times and he's strong on education, fiscal responsibility and just plain ol' common sense.
You can get involved by calling for a yard sign, making a contribution and joining the Campaign! You can call 865-414-3497 or email Steve at steve@VoteMcGill.com. His website is at http://www.votemcgill.com
Here's some photos I took recently at the South Knoxville Vestival:

Steve meeting with and discussing various issues with South Knoxvillians enjoying Vestival:

Isn't this a cool antique motorcycle!

If you live in the 9th District be sure and get behind Steve McGill!

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!


Friday, May 19, 2006

The Truman Day Dinner After-Party!

After a rousing evening of food, speeches and plain ol’ Democrat rabblerousing…
Who wants to go home?!?!?!


Come on down to the Urban Bar and Grill to continue the festivities!!

Drinks! Food! Conversation, Informal Speeches and ...
…and more Drinks!!

This invitation to join us is extended to all Democrats, liberals, progressives and anyone whose opinions, feelings, thoughts or mode of worship Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter and the like
would object to! Whether you attended the Truman Day Dinner or not!

The Urban Bar and Grill is located at the corner of Jackson and Central in the Old City. We’ll start gathering when the Truman Day Dinner ends, about 9PM-ish or so and will continue until … late-ish or so.

Please keep in mind that the Knox County Democrat Party is Pro-Family (i.e.: equal rights, decent wages, worker safety, health insurance for all, truth in government, unmonitored telephone calls, no wars based on lies and so on) – to that end, while yes there will be alcoholic beverages present there will be NO poker playin’ and NO hookers! So if you want whiskey drinkin’, poker playin’ and hookers please contact Brian Hornback for membership in the GOP.
Tell him I sent you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Republican attack on Cover Tennessee fails

Hi All!
The Republican attack on Cover Tennessee fails and so far the only place I've seen this story mentioned (other than the local paper, the Knox News Sentinel) has been on KnoxViews. Nothing on Brian's Blog and nothing on Oatney's World. Which is, but then isn't, surprising. Both have been crowing loudly and strongely on Sen. Jim Bryson's guebnatorial race. I've been pestering both of them concerning his race pointing out that he has waited too long to launch his race against a widely popular governor like Gov. Bredesen. David (of Oatney's World) has pointed out that (correctly) that we Dem's should not blow off Sen. Bryson. He also seems to think (incorrectly) that the conservative of Tennessee will rise up and sweep Sen. Bryson into office.
This development, this defeat for Sen. Bryson (and handily executed slap-down) by Gov. Bredesen speaks well of the future. I think both Brian and David (and all conservatives, for that matter) really need to be careful about counting on any "groundswell" in their direction. It looks to me that the country has had about all the conservativeness it can stand.

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!

A Special THANKS to KnoxViews

Hi All!
I recently discovered KnoxViews - "Alternative news and views of the community by the community" run by R. Neal, a big hat tip to Stacey Diamond for pointing in me in its direction. R. Neal was, I believe, formally known to the blogging community as "South Knox Bubba" and he ran a very famous blog by the same name. Since discovering it I've joined in the discussion commenting on several of the postings and really enjoying the place and all the other posters and commentators.
Well, tonight I go onboard to see what's up and there in the right margin under the "local links" header is stevemule! I could'a almost spilled my coffee when I saw that! Thank you Mr. Neal! That was really neat of you.
Of course now that I'm listed on KnoxViews I'm going to have to step up and do a much better job of keeping it updated and interesting. David Oatney over in Oatney's World has also mentioned (more than once to his credit) that I need to do this.
So the pressure's on ...

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!


Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Picture, a Tribute and some Memories

Hi All!
Several folks have been on me to put up a picture on my profile. Well, I don't have any pictures of me that are suitable; file size too big, I look too stupid, I don't look like that anymore, I didn't like it, and so on. So I finally settled on this one. This is a picture of my Father, Eric E. Muehleisen (1934 - 1999) in his "Toby the Clown" persona and I decided to use it here as a tribute to him.
Toby the Clown was a part-time pursuit of his that took his family (my Mom, my sister Kris, my brother Butch, and myself) all over the Pacific Northwest for grocery store grand openings, and rodeos. During the summers we'd all load up on a weekend and travel to some place and spend the weekend while Dad did his thing. Here are some other pictures enjoy.

My Dad at a grocery store somewhere in Washington State.

That's my Dad on all fours "playing" with the bull.

My Dad entertaining the crowd. The crowd is in the new bleachers behind the camera. What you see in the background were the old wooden bleachers which were going to torn down. I remember that because my bother played in them with some other kids during the rodeo. I remember that but I can't remember where this photo was taken :-(

Our goat, one of many that we had over the years. Dad used them in his rodeo act. We had a donkey, chickens, a duck one year and, of course, the family dog always went with us. When stopped to eat Dad would insist on parking where he could see through the resturaunt's windows to keep on eye on the trailer. We looked like a traveling gypsy circus much to Mom's embarrassment. Of course, we kids thought it cooler than anything and we made sure everyone knew all the neat animals were ours!

Here's my Dad earning his rodeo pay. At a rodeo his main duty was to get and keep the bull away from the cowboy once the cowboy had 'dismounted" the bull. Dismounting wasn't an issue - they all did that one way or the other. However, what was often an issue was whether the cowboy could get up and get out of the way of the bull after he was "dismounted" - that's where my Dad came in.

Here's my Dad again "playing" with a bull. He's setting up the bull in order to jump over the bull's head. Once the bull puts his head down and starts to charge he can't change direction. So my Dad would get the bull to charge and then run up to it, turn at the last minute as it charged, put his hand on the bull's head and jump. The bull would left his head and this lifted my Dad up and over. One of my fondest memories of this time in my life was once watching my Dad do this and hearing the roar of the crowd!

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Two Flops

Hi All!
I found this picture on Brian's Blog and just had to pass it along. Don't be alarmed - he's changed his original posting since I pointed it out to him. I'd liked to seen the look on his face!
It's a picture of Rep. Katherine Harris and President Bush greeting each other at MacDill AFB in Florida. President Bush went there to give pep talk on his Medicare Drug Plan which is turning out to be as popular as a screen door on a submarine. What I find especially ironic is that he said "Deadlines are important. Deadlines help people understand there’s finality and people need to get after it." Why is that true with the Medicare Drug Plan and not ourinvolvmentt in Iraq and Iraqi'sinabilityy to form a "Unity" Government? I guess it's like the conservative cannard of "personalresponsibilityy" - it only applies to social programs and not being wrong about issues like Iraqi WMDs and so on. Oh well ... back to the picture - the picture's file name is "20050510-bushfeelsm.jpg" and notice the placement of bothHarriss' and Bush's hands! I almost screamed when I saw it! It was so funny! One of those pictures when the camera placement is just right and the shutter is snapped at just the right time. Obviously, they aren't doing what they look like they are doing but still you just have to laugh.
Rep. Katherine Harris is running for the U.S. Senate and having a rather had time making anything like a credible run. She's having trouble raising money, garnering support, keeping her staff on board and so on. In addition, the Florida GOP is decidely cool toward her. In fact, Gov. Jeb Bush even said "I just don't think she can win" That pretty much sums it up. Come November the only place she's going is home.

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!


Conservative Family Values

Hi All!
I recently recieved an email tht brought to my attention the following:

T. Rex's Guide to Republican Family ValuesT. Rex's Guide to Life: Politics:
Republican Family Values

It's rather long listing of various moral Faux Paus and crimes that our paragons of moral values have commited over time. It's interesting reading. particulary when they start bloviating about us godless liberals. I challenge all to check it out.

Take Care, Be Good and don't play in the street!
