0 SteveMule: January 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusetts - Lessons Learned & Spreading BS

Yesterday's election in Massachusetts will do two things: First it will drive home the lessons I list below and give the professional Bullshit spreaders plenty to to talk/lie about. First the lessons:

1. Successful candidates campaign!!!
The successful candidate will campaign while voters are deciding who the fuck to vote for! Martha Coakley won the MA Dem Primary and then dropped out of sight. Between the end of the primary and yesterday she held 19 campaign events. Scott Brown her Republican opponent held 66 campaign events! Do the math. Coakley assumed the seat was hers - it was; hers to loose and she did. Brown ran all over the state shaking hands and kissing babies - Coakley, on the other hand ... kissed it good bye.
LESSON: Campaign like you're loosing; from start to finish ... or you will loose!

2. Successful candidate are like likable candidates.
True some voters care more about policy and substance rather than which candidate they would most want like to have a beer with. Unfortunately, those voters are outnumbered by the voters that tend to view a political campaign like it was an episode of American Idol. Think I'm wrong? Think Presidential Elections of 2000 and 2004.
Brown, to his credit, crafted a series of very nice ads portraying himself as a likable, Joe average, type of guy.
Lesson: Never forget that the voters must like you & So you must work to make sure they do!

3. Saying stupid dumbass things will cost you an election!
Poor Coakley said a lot of stupid things: she insulted Red Sox fans, not once, but twice. (Never mind that her knowledge of the Red Sox would not have affected her legislation abilities -- see #2 above) She said something stupid about "no terrorists in Afghanistan," and something to the effect that "devout Catholics" may not want to work in hospital emergency rooms. Had she paid attention to #1 above, she might have avoided saying these stupid, dumbass things.
Lesson: No one wants to vote for a dumbass so avoid saying any stupid, dumbass things.

4. Know your enemy!
Come on! How simple is this? Christ Almighty, Sun Tzu talked about this long, long, long ago. This is simple Campaigning 101! By the time Coakley and her people started paying attention to who Brown was it was too late.
Lesson: Know your enemy - if you don't, you'll loose.

5. Enthusiasm matters.
If you run a campaign that has the enthusiasm of mashed potato sandwich buffet you'll loose. Brown, whatever his faults, and they are legion, ran an exciting, dynamic campaign. Never mind how uniformed and confused his supporters were/are - they were fired up and Coakley and her supporters ... are left eating mashed potato sandwiches.
Lesson: Enthusiasm matters alot!
Those are the campaign lessons that yesterday's debacle in Massachusetts teaches.
Now the BULLSHIT ...
drum roll ...
No matter how bad a candidate Coakley was, or how awful her campaign was (and both were terrible) everyone will talk about how this repudiates the Pres. Obama and liberal, progressive, Democratic Party, [ fill in the blank(s) with your favorite term ] agenda. Never mind the fact that Brown received most of his campaign support from out of state, or that he supports the insurance companies over the individual needing health insurance/care, never mind that he's a Wall Street sock puppet, never mind all that, no ... this indicates that America, ALL of America, repudiates the Pres. Obama and liberal, progressive, Democratic Party, [ fill in the blank(s) with your favorite term ] agenda and so will become another rallying point for the Republican/Conservative/Wall Street/Insurance Companies/Teabagger crowd.
I'll leave you with a question: Will the national media run with the Lessons or the Bullshit?

Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK Jr. Day

Today is/was MLK Jr. Day. I remember watching the March on DC as a little boy. I had to ask my Mom what the big deal was. She told me. I was shocked ... it was unthinkable to me ... America was supposed to be ... but I learned it wasn't. I listened to his speech and wondered ... why America wasn't like what it said it was and was supposed to be.
Others may marvel at how far we've come as a nation but I get pissed off that it has taken us this F'ing long to simply get this far and wonder at how long it'll take to finally get to where we're F'ing supposed to be.
We elected a Black President - Good. But does anyone think the Tea-bagger crap would have started if we'd elected a white one, conservative or liberal? What about all the "socialist, radical, secret Muslim" crap we heard in during the campaign? Would any of that have had any traction whatsoever if Pres. Obama had been white? Of course not. We live in a fucked up country. Get used to it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stuff I Saw Around Town Today

Yesterday was Monday and one of my days off. I had a bunch of stuff to do that required me to drive around town to various places and while I was doing that I noticed a bunch of stuff that caught my eye.
Here's an ad I found on the side of a liquor store here in town. I can just hear the radio ad: "Get ya'lls guns and ammo and come on down here to get loaded!"

This next one is a fountain right at the intersection of 10th Street and K-96. During the summer it's a pretty sharp looking fountain. However, in the sub-Arctic temps we've had it sort'a kind'a froze up a bit ... but if you look close at the base of the ice mound you can see that it's still going strong! Why? Well, I have no idea.

I saw this at Dillon's. Crammer's advising anyone who'll listen how to recover from the recent economic downturn. If you listened to Crammer and heeded his advice going into the downtown you really need this book! Of course, if you ignored his previous advice you probably don't need the snake oil he's trying to sell now. Notice the discount ... get it while it's hot!

I saw this in the parking lot of Dillon's. "Who is John Galt?" Now, someone might ask that question. Someone who knew nothing of Ann Rand's magnum opus "Atlas Shrugged."
John Galt is the fictional hero, protagonist, central character of that wretched book. He gets fed up with all the "liberals" who tax and regulate him to the point that he locks up his factories, stores and what have you and quits. This causes large economic turmoil and eventually the ... read the damned book to find out what happens. It was required reading at Enumclaw High School for Juniors or seniors. I attended that school until 1973. That year we moved to Kansas and I started my junior year of high school at Ellsworth.
Now most kids would have said "Boy, sure am glad I dodged that bullet!" Well, as many will give testimony to, I'm kind'a strange so ... I read it in Ellsworth Kansas just because I wanted to. I almost didn't finish it. It really and truly sucked. The writing was stilted and ... it was just awful. The good guys sounded majestic and visionary, the bad guys sounded like greedy morons. It was so pretentious, so ... so ... hackneyed and phony and ... just the biggest pile of steamy dogshit I've ever read. Mein Kampf was a better read! At least with that you knew where the author was coming from and could, consequently, discount him and the 'points' he tried to make. With "Atlas Shrugged" you'd read and read and ... well, it took a awhile to figure out what Ann Rand was trying to say. The characters spew forth with long monologues of explanation and ... the last several pages are just the character John Galt going on and on about his motivation for doing what he did and his vision of the future and ... It really sucked. I haven't touched it since or anything else that Ann Rand has written. I have better, funner and more interesting ways to waste my time.
I found this little blurb on this truck's window interesting since there was, briefly, talk of "Going Galt" shortly after Pres. Obama took office. All the conservatives were going on and on about socialism, higher taxes, gun control and so on. My thoughts then and now are: Go ahead, go Galt, and get the fuck out of the way!

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Elvis' B-Day and he's still dead

Yesterday was Elvis's B-Day. I know this because when I got to work the local radio station was playing a lot of Elvis' music. I have no idea how old he would have been today and I don't really care. Nevertheless, it was his B-Day and everyone who listened to the radio was constantly reminded of it and ... for me it got old real fast.
When I'm work I turn the radio off. During my shift (11PM - 7AM) it plays "Classic Rock Hits" from the 80's. A lot, not all, but a lot, of the music of the Eighties was crap. It was crap then and it's still crap. Yes, some wines get better with age, but most just turn to vinegary piss water. So it is with the hits of the Eighties. How Elvis fits into "Classic Rock Hits" of Eighties is any one's guess. I think he died before 1980 but I might be wrong. If my memory serves me right I was still with 101st Airborne when he died and I didn't leave the division until the summer of 1979 so I think he missed it by a few days at least.
Regardless of all that, I have to listen to the radio until all my co-workers leave. They like having the radio on. I can't stand it. But, I know how pissy they'll get if I turn it off so I just tune it out until they're gone.
On most nights they leave shortly after I arrive. On Fridays and Saturdays I have someone with me until either 2 or 3 in the morning. I listened to a lot of Elvis last night. What gets me is all the young people that were singing along while they were standing in line at the cash register or by the deli-bar while I making their sandwiches. Them: "In da ghetto ..." Me: "What type of cheese would you like?" Them: "... In da ghetto .. uh? What?" Please note that I think that "In the Ghetto" was one of the stupidest ass songs that was ever inflicted on the music listening public, but never mind that for now.
My co-worker finally left and I turned the radio off and got to work doing the things that I need to: clean the store, cook breakfast, get everything ready to go for the next day and ... still deal with whatever the Knuckle Head Parade brings in to the store. Thankfully the cold weather has put a damper on that; to some extent, at least.
Another reason I turn the radio off is the mindless, retarded banter of the DJ. He says his name is"Fry" and he tries so hard to come off as some super cool, with it, dude that I have to wonder if he isn't really some fat, balding slug that just sits in his booth in California, or wherever, pushing buttons or whatever. "Fry" goes off at 4AM and that when the "Jim-Bob and Billy Big Show" comes on. I'm sorry, I know that this show is one of, if not the, most popular morning radio shows in America and all but ... For me the show is a non-stop, redundant, exercise in stupidity masquerading as humor.
Anyway, it was Elvis' B-Day yesterday ... and today, tomorrow and forever he'll still be dead.

Friday, January 08, 2010

The Q_U_I_E_T

Last night was dead, dead quiet. During my shift the store had less than $700 in sales. Hardly worth keeping the doors open for. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that it was boring. Hardly ...
Why is it that everyone thinks I have Bank of Love FDIC stamped on my ass? 10 to 4AM and this guy buys $10 - 20 bucks worth of stuff and hands me a $100 dollar bill. Now, while GB is a larger town than many; it's still Bum Fuck Rural Kansas! OF COURSE, I keep enough change on hand to break however many Ben F's the night's customers may bring in! OF COURSE, I do ... anyway, that was the only real highlight of the night. Other than that it really was pretty tame.
The police echoed the sentiment as well, one told me that they had answered only a few calls, domestics - folks going stir crazy from the C_O_L_D, and that there was little traffic on the streets. I'm glad the police had a quiet night. They deserve those from time to time.
It was also bone chillingly C_O_L_D! A high of 11F and a low of 2F; this isn't counting the windchill. So, curse the C_O_L_D if you must, but there are aspects of it that are enjoyable. It just depends on how you look at it.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

The C_O_L_D

OK! I get it! It's C_O_L_D outside!! Like DUH!! Almost everyone that came in the store today (last night to most of you) told me that it was really cold out there. Yes, I knew that. I always check the local on weather.com each and every night before I go to work; single digit temps with a negative double digit wind chill. I knew that ever since about 10PM last night. So ... despite that almost everyone felt compelled to make sure I stayed current with the local weather conditions throughout the night. It gets so old, so fast ...
On a bright note the knucklehead parade was much shorter. The weather must have kept them in ... darn, huh? One lady, a regular, who works at one of the local fast food places and at a local bar said that the restaurant was packed. They really got slammed there but that the bar crowd was really sparse, even for a Wednesday night. Interesting pattern there, someone should do statistical study of bar vs restaurant patronization as a function of weather/temp. But that'll never happen.
I am going to cook dinner, relax and go to bed. Bye


Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Night Travelings

As many of you know I work nights at a local "C"store here in the thriving metropolis of Great Bend, KS. I have worked there for ... well, it'll be two years this coming June. Since I started working there I have noticed several things, heard things and seen things that would have surprised me if you had told me about them before I experienced them. Here are a few:
#1.) The number of people that walk in and feel compelled to tell me it's cold outside.
Like, I'm too fucking stupid to know that. Like I'm so fucking dumb that I can't pull up weather.com on my computer and READ exactly how fucking cold it is.
#2.) French Vanilla Cappuccino is really popular.
It is so popular that grown men will almost break down in tears if we run out. And what gets me is ... it's an instant mix that we pour in the machine that is mixed with hot water and pours into a cup. You can get that shit at Wal-Mart for a whole lot less than you get it at any store but ... NO! They have to get it at the store or ... it just doesn't taste the same. Go figure ...
#3.) Folks that feel I am obligated to entertain them at zero-dark-thirty hours.
This one really annoys me. They'll come in and will start talking, BEFORE, DURING and AFTER they get whatever shit they just can't live without and get miffed that I don't engage them in whatever trivial crap they want to talk about. At zero-dark-thirty hours I want them in, up to register and out the door. I don't know who's in the play-offs (I don't care) and don't know how KSU or KU's doing (I don't care) or which driver has the highest point standing in NASCAR (I don't care) but ... at zero-dark-thirty hours I have to bullshit all of that or ... they'll think I'm being rude. What's really creepy is that it doesn't take me that much effort to bullshit them on any subject that comes up. At the same time FOX News and Rush Limbaugh are very popular in this area. So I guess there's a market/need/want for Bullshit on any topic.
I could go on but ... I'll let all that wait for another day. 11PM until 7AM brings out some very interesting shit.


Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Avatar ROCKS

I went to local theater last night and watched the movie AVATAR. I thought it was great! The visuals and special effects were fantastic and the story was good too. A little like "Dances With Wolves" but not that much. It was well worth the ~$6 I spent to see it. If you've been thinking about going and seeing it stop thinking about it and go do it. You won't be dissapointed.



Monday, January 04, 2010

A Return ...

I'm not sure what I'm returning to. It been almost a year since I posted anything. I'm not sure I'm posting now ... except to say that I'm back to posting on this blog.
One of my biggest frustrations about posting on this blog was the difficult and time consuming method that you have to use in order to post photographs. For that reason I started using Facebook. Also, I really didn't have that much I wanted to say here on this old blog.
However ... I started reading and occasionally posting a comment on a blog called Mudflap Bubbas. This blog is maintained by a lady called "Citygirl." It tells the story of city girl that falls in love with a guy that lives in rural bum fuck Kansas. She moves to rural bum fuck Kansas and tells her trials and tribulations adjusting to life in rural bum fuck Kansas. Seeing as how I have experienced the same culture shock moving from Knoxville TN to Great Bend, KS, I found a lot that I could relate to and I enjoyed her acidic response to the situations she found herself in.
Well ... recently as an end of year type thing she mentioned my blog AND posted a link to this blog. In addition, she made several very nice, positive comments about it. So ...
I figured I better get off my ass and start using it again. So there ... I'm back and stay tuned.
